Summary of the LightsOut Restore process

The following is a summary of the basic LightsOut Restore process.

1. Install pcAnywhere on a central system that will be used for management (such as a helpdesk computer).

2. Ensure that all servers can be managed remotely through a hardware device such as RILO or DRAC.

3. Install Norton Ghost on servers that need to be protected, and then create the desired recovery points.

4. Run the LightsOut Restore wizard by going to the Windows Start menu and selecting Programs > Symantec > . This installs the Symantec recovery environment to the local file system, and creates an entry in the Windows boot menu that can be used to boot to this environment.

5. When either file or system recovery is needed, use the RILO or DRAC device to connect to the remote server and either power on or reboot the system.

6. During the remote server boot process, select the Symantec recovery environment from the boot menu. The remote server will then proceed to boot to the Symantec recovery environment (at which point, connection through RILO or DRAC will be lost). As the Symantec recovery environment starts, a pcAnywhere thin host will automatically start (unless this was disabled through the LightsOut Restore wizard).

7. Use pcAnywhere to connect to the remote server pcAnywhere thin host.

8. Through pcAnywhere, use the recovery environment to restore individual files, or entire partitions.

Summary of the LightsOut Restore process